(NOTE: As from March 2020, rehearsals of the Praise Group are suspended until further notice, though there is still a practice from 9:30am every Sunday before morning service).
We are very lucky to have Katherine Robertson as such an inspirational Praise Group musical director.
We meet in the Fellowship Hall at St James’ Church on Friday evenings from 7:00pm, throughout much of the year.
We welcome singers of all levels of experience and ability. No musical training is required. You do not have to be able to read music.
The emphasis is on praising God and having fun.
The easiest way to get a flavour of what we have done in the past and are likely to do in the future is to read some of the following articles from the website (links below). As you will see, the Musicals of Roger Jones continue to shape much of the form and content of our praise and worship. We are lucky that Roger and his team have visited us on several occasions to perform his Musicals – e.g. Wildfire, Rock, Jailbreak and, most recently, Barnabas.
Please do consider joining us. You will be made very welcome.
Articles about the Praise Group and its activities
- Barnabas at St James’
- Graham’s Farewell Party
- Christmas Music at St James’
- Apostle the Musical at St James’
Get in touch
The easiest way is to send in an Online Enquiry via the Contact page on this website.