01 December 2024 is the First Sunday of Advent.
In Christian communities the world over, Advent refers to a four-week season of remembering and celebrating the arrival of Jesus on Earth. This is the period leading up to Christmas.
Essentially, it is also the first Sunday of a new Church year. The First Sunday of Advent symbolises “Hope”. With the lighting of the “Prophet’s Candle”, we are reminded that Jesus is coming.
The main reading for today is from one of the several Old Testament prophets – in this case, Jeremiah – who foretold that a Messiah would be sent to save the world. The prediction is framed in terms that God “will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line; he will do what is just and right in the land. In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety.” (NIV)
Rev. Geoff McKee’s sermon is based on the Jeremiah text – see further, below, for the video of the service and the sermon.
Today’s main reading
Jeremiah 33:14-18 (from The Message Bible Translation)
A Fresh and True Shoot from the David-Tree
14-18 “‘Watch for this: The time is coming’—God’s Decree—‘when I will keep the promise I made to the families of Israel and Judah. When that time comes, I will make a fresh and true shoot sprout from the David-Tree. He will run this country honestly and fairly. He will set things right. That’s when Judah will be secure and Jerusalem live in safety. The motto for the city will be, “God Has Set Things Right for Us.” God has made it clear that there will always be a descendant of David ruling the people of Israel and that there will always be Levitical priests on hand to offer burnt offerings, present grain offerings, and carry on the sacrificial worship in my honour.’”