As you will know if you follow this website and/or our Facebook page at all, we get a lot of benefit from materials produced by Out of the Box (Scotland) – who have also run several holiday clubs for us.
Their Intro Series is a great introduction to, and exploration of, the Christian Faith – for children and adults (though it’s designed primarily for children).
Here’s a credit you will see at the end of each of the 8 videos in the series:
Who is Glen Scrivener and what is ‘Gospel in 90 seconds’?
The Gospel is the “Good News” of Jesus Christ.
What is that Good News? Essentially, it is that, through Jesus, God can provide us with light, life and love.
Why not watch Glen Scrivener’s video on YouTube (see embedded video below)?
Or read the text of his Minute-and-a-half of breathless talking…
What Christians believe … in 90 seconds!
In the beginning, there was light and life and love.
There was a father loving his son in the joy of the Holy Spirit.
And everything has come from light and life and love.
And out of this has come a world that is destined to share in light and life and love.
But you know that this world is not like that.
I know this world is not like that.
I look around and I see darkness and death and disconnection.
Where has that come from?
Well, we’ve turned from the light – and, when you turn from the light, where else do you go but darkness?
When you turn from love, where else do you go but disconnection?
When you turn from life, where else do you go but death?
This is the kind of world we live in.
But what does Love do when Love sees the beloved in trouble?
Love says:
“Your pit will be my pit.”
“Your plight will be my plight.”
“Your depths will be my depths.”
“Your darkness will be my darkness.”
“Your death will be my death.”
Who is Jesus?
Jesus is ‘Love come down’.
The son of the father comes becomes our brother to be with us in the darkness.
To take that darkness on himself on the cross.
To take that disconnection on himself.
Even to take that death (that we all deserve, for turning from God).
Jesus took it on himself on the cross, plunged it down into the hell that it deserves and he rose up again:
The light of life and love.
And he says:
“You in the darkness, do you want my light?”
“You in death, do you want my life?”
“You in disconnection, do you want my love?”
And anyone who simply says “Yes” to Jesus? – We get Jesus in our life.
We get his father as our Father.
We get his spirit as our spirit.
We get his future as our future.