Welcome to our Harvest Thanksgiving service this morning.
And a warm welcome to any visitors with us today.
Harvest Thanksgiving Appeal
Over the next two weeks we are collecting for the Christian Aid Libya Flood Appeal. Pick up your brown envelopes at the front door and return them over the next 2 weeks if you would like to donate towards this appeal.
As an example – £25 could provide one emergency kit with vital supplies for families who have lost everything in the floods.
Congregational Board
This Thursday 5th October at 7.30pm will be our next Congregational Board meeting in the hall.
Kirk Session
And the next Kirk Session meeting will be the following Thursday 12th October at 7.30pm.
Indoor Bowling Group
The Indoor Bowling club started last week and will meet on a Friday afternoon from 2pm – 4pm in St James’ hall. They have 2 bowling carpets, fun and laughter, followed by a cup of tea and cake.
Indoor Bowling Group
The Guild will meet every second Monday at 2pm so tomorrow there will be no meeting, next week Lynne Hawcroft will talk about working with people with impaired hearing.