Sunday 09 April 2023 is Easter Sunday.
On this day, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. For example, in Lossiemouth, people gathered on the East Beach at 0600 for an Easter Sunday Sunrise Service.
Rev. Christine McWhirter leads today’s worship and the thread running through her two All-Age Talks in the service is how we come to believe in the resurrection of Jesus – that the impossible is possible.
Order of Service
Call to worship
Hymn – CH4 194 This is the day
Prayer of approach and Lord’s prayer
Easter Song/Video – Tiffany Coburn
Hymn – CH4 404 I danced in the morning
All-age talk 1
Children’s hymns
All-age talk 2
Hymn – CH4 410 Jesus Christ is risen
Hymn – MP 295 I serve a risen Saviour
Blessing and Amen