For the Second Sunday of Easter 2020 – 19 April – our virtual service with Rev. Geoff McKee again has text and audio elements.
You’ll find below the Readings and Prayers as text. Geoff’s sermon is presented as audio, which you can listen to via the player below or download (mp3 format) for listening “on the go” if you wish.
Today’s main Bible reading concentrates on one of Jesus’ disciples, Thomas, and the story of how he was only convinced of Jesus’ resurrection by meeting the risen Jesus and examining the wounds in Jesus’ hands and in his side from the crucifixion.
At the time of the story, the disciples were living under lockdown, for fear of reprisals from the authorities now that their leader was apparently dead. The similarities to our current experience in that respect are obvious.
Geoff considers a variety of matters, including:
- Statistics about the effect the social distancing measures are having on personal welfare in the UK and how our closeness to nature in Lossiemouth can be a real blessing just now;
- Why Thomas was not a ‘bad’ disciple;
- Why it’s natural and acceptable for Christians to have doubts about their faith;
- Why doubt and faith are not opposites of each other; and
- How confronting our doubts and bringing them along with us on life’s journey can lead us to a deeper faith.

“Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)
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