We had a fabulous Evening of Christmas Music at St James’ on Thursday 03 December 2015, with the Fellowship Hall filled to capacity. [Read more…]
Deferred Linkage Becomes A Reality
On Sunday 29 November 2015, Rev. Graham Crawford announced at the morning service that, on the following Sunday, he would be preaching as sole nominee for the vacant charge at a church in Perth (Scotland) and that, as a result, he and his family would be leaving St James’ and Lossiemouth with effect from February 2016.
We now know that Graham was voted in unanimously as the new Minister at Kinnoull Parish Church, Perth, on 06 December 2015.
We congratulate Graham on his success and commend his new congregation on their excellent choice of Minister. We have been lucky to have Graham here with us for 12 years and we wish him, Jane, Thomas (not forgetting Jamie too!) all the best in their new home, church and surroundings. [Read more…]
Open Doors at St Gerardine’s High Church
On Saturday 12 September 2015, from 10am to 4pm, our sister Church of Scotland in Lossiemouth, St Gerardine’s High Church is having an Open Doors day.
This is a great opportunity to experience what so many previous generations have felt – the spiritual guidance, comfort and strength in what is a unique building. [Read more…]
Rolling Stock at St James’
Model Railway Club
This is formed by some of the members who meet on a Tuesday in the loft above the kitchen.
The photograph is of Gary’s layout ‘Craigellachie’ on show at Hopeman.
We also have a small show in the Fellowship centre at St James’ Church once a year. [Read more…]
Lossiemouth Northern Lights – Showing Soon!
The Lossiemouth Northern Lights Community Film Project is now at an exciting stage and is on course for being shown to the public at 7pm on 31 October 2015 at St James’ and at a matinee on 07 November at St Gerardine’s.
We have had wonderful support and interest from the people of Lossiemouth. The team have had great fun and we have made many new friends. [Read more…]