Welcome to the virtual service for the 6th Sunday of Easter (17 May 2020).
Rev. Geoff McKee’s sermon is below in audio format. It is based on John 14:15-21 in which Jesus promises the Holy Spirit to his disciples.
We set out all four Scriptures for this week from the Lectionary, including the passage from John’s gospel. You’ll also find the prayers and a choice of music at the end.
The following is taken from the Church of Scotland website for this week.
“In the days following the first Easter Sunday, the disciples of Jesus would have gone through any number of different reactions, from uncertainty and anxiety to joy and celebration, through incomprehension and fear to recognition and hope. If the Cross had robbed them of his presence, the Resurrection has restored his presence. Surely Jesus will continue to be with them always?”
“The Gospel of John (14: 1-21) portrays the disciples wrestling with the dawning reality that Jesus will not continue to be physically present to them. It would seem that they are again to be left bereft and ‘orphaned’. Uncertainty and anxiety threaten once more. In response, Jesus speaks into their incomprehension and fear with the promise of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Jesus reassures them that they are not alone and that his spiritual presence will be renewed in this world through the Spirit. Jesus, through the Spirit, continues with us always as the assurance of God’s love for us.”
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