Good Friday 2021 – Friday 02 April.
Good Friday is observed on the Friday before Easter Sunday. Christians commemorate the suffering (“passion”) and death on the cross of Jesus Christ.
Normally, there is an in-person Good Friday evening service in St James’ Church and St Gerardine’s High Church – in alternate years – but this year Rev. Geoff McKee offers this online video reflection for Good Friday.
Immediately below, you will find the lengthy passage from John’s Gospel (All of Chapter 18 and the following Chapter up to verse 42) which tells the story from the point of Jesus’ arrest through to his burial, following the Crucifixion.
Today’s scripture
John 18:1-19:42 (New International Version)
Jesus Arrested
18 When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was a garden, and he and his disciples went into it.
2 Now Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples. 3 So Judas came to the garden, guiding a detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and the Pharisees. They were carrying torches, lanterns and weapons.
4 Jesus, knowing all that was going to happen to him, went out and asked them, “Who is it you want?”
5 “Jesus of Nazareth,” they replied.
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