A very Happy New Year to you all!
The first Sunday of the New Year – 03 January 2021 – is the Epiphany of the Lord: the Magi’s visit to Jesus, the Messiah.
The Lectionary readings are: Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12; and Matthew 2:1-12. The main reading is from Matthew.
“Can we trust the science?” is an ever-relevant question. The Magi were the scientists of their age. In seeking out the Messiah, they trusted in their scientific observations and interpretations. By comparing and contrasting their apporach with that of King Herod, we reveal a cautionary tale which reminds us always to ensure that we are open to God and his purposes for us.
Below, you will find the prayers, readings, audio sermon and a musical selection.