On the Seventh Sunday of Easter, the Sunday closest to Ascension Day, Christians celebrate Jesus being taken up into Heaven.
Ascension is traditionally commemorated on the sixth Thursday after Easter Sunday, the fortieth day from Easter day.
The main Bible reading for today comes from the beginning of the Book of Acts, where Luke continues his Gospel (“my former book”) account and Verses 1-11 of Chapter 1 are titled as per the title of today’s web page.
Below, you will find also the video recording of the service conducted by Rev. Geoff McKee at St James’ Church on 16 May 2021, including other Bible readings, prayers and the Ascension-themed sermon.
By way of further reading, if you wish, Geoff refers in his sermon to a 2016 article by Alan Seale – The Liminal Space – Embracing the Mystery and Power of Transition from What Has Been to What Will Be.