Sunday 04 September 2022 is the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost. The main Lectionary reading for today is from Luke’s Gospel (Luke 14: 25-35).
In many ways, it’s an astonishing passage in terms of “selling” the Christian faith to potential followers. At first sight, Jesus seems to be saying: “Want to be my disciple, do you? Well, in that case you have to learn to hate your family, give up your possessions, and get ready for a nasty death!”
Below, you will find the section from Luke as excerpted from The Message Bible translation and then the video of today’s service, including Rev. Geoff McKee’s sermon on Jesus’ challenge and how it should be interpreted in practice.
We also welcome our new Associate Minister, Christine McWhirter, to a service for the first time today. See her “Address to the Young at Heart”, as part of the service.